King Of The Kings

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Top Players

Top Ranking
# Name Class Level
1 Cray Mage 52
2 MoDa Mage 51
3 Erynia Mage 51
4 Boski Mage 51
5 Senitzu Knight 50
Name Specialty Level
Senitzu Commander 50
Royalbeef Apprentice Knight 49
Noob1e Apprentice Knight 48
BODA Apprentice Knight 48
ZYZZ Apprentice Knight 45
Name Specialty Level
Alexander Expert Archer 50
PACTA Apprentice Archer 49
critz0R Apprentice Archer 49
x Apprentice Archer 48
Bultek Apprentice Archer 48
Name Specialty Level
Cray Hermit 52
MoDa Hermit 51
Erynia Hermit 51
Boski Hermit 51
Icyy Hermit 50
Name Specialty Level
9RSL5 I.SwordMan 50
Lamer Thief Guild Member 49
ItzPower Thief Guild Member 48
J Thief Guild Member 48
Critty Thief Guild Member 46

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September 06, 2024 03:42 PM


Ingame shouts
[Ashe]add channels.
[Creeate]starting d1 r0 pt, just come .
[Dunger]Unity Rec Active ppl pme to join us.
[kratosGER]Selling ToA ToD pm me offers + Yellow Tiger bow .
[6ix8in]need 1 splasher 34+ for forest party - lv 35 attacker mage lfp.
[Fajno]Buying G40 White Sword pm me.
[MysteryClown]buying chest / helmet / boots thief g42 .
[SpiderGirl2]selling demon commander head 10k ea.
[JuggerNauT]Selling KC @ temp 10.5k ea last 100 i got ^^.
[PACTA]sell or trade g46 thef gloves for arch part.
[NocturNa]where is starter npc.
[Dunger]left 3x slot to start party at d1r2 fast come .
[Dunger]free slot at d1r2 fast come or pme .
[SpiderGirl2]selling demon commander head 10k ea / moon hee doll 10k ea.
[Royalbeef]Unrivaled rec activ ppl.
[GoDLike]Open channels please!.
[Ch1vas]buying g42 archer chest.
[Ludak]Mage 28 lvl lfg inv !.
[DanieLBR]sell G45 Bow for DS -- Pm Alexander <<<<.
[Kummieren]NEED MAGS 36+ d1r2.
[Ludak]mage lfg , any mages need lurer !!! pm me .
[GoDLike]Open channels in D1 thanks!.
[Dunger]Unity rec Active ppl pme to join us.
[MysteryClown]buying g42 thief helmet / chest / boots .
[REX]Selling Stick G37 pimp 2 wis / 2 Int / 1 agi / 2 magic attack.
[DanieLBR]What is quest lvl 32 ? Dragon Head ?.
[Kummieren]NEED 2 mags 36+ D1 splashy pt.
[Af]buy g37 expert bow .
[Prowo]g32+6 mage parts.
[MGG]buying boss head 20 k.
[EE]i buy helmt chest g42 archer ea 55k send me.
[fulldose]buy g42 archer chest boots helmet pay very well pm me .
[DanieLBR]need atacker d1 r2 33+ --- peference archer <<<.
[Dunger]left 2x attacker 30+ d1r2 fast come or pme .
[Vinny]buy g40 dagger.
[NoeL]Selling G46 Mage Shorts and G45 White Stick Veterans Or Trade for Archer/Thief Parts.
[fulldose]buy g42 archer boots/helmet 80k ea.
[NoeL]G46 Mage Shorts co 150k Stick co 130k PM ME Or trade For Archer/thief.
[Galedriel]buy g 37 bow .
[Dunger]looking for healer d1 r2 .
[Dominic]Buying g40 sword pm me.
[OPSeks]34 thief looking for guild.
[Mili]buy quest head boss 10k ea.
[J3ackOnTrack]buying rtb bow pimped or clean.
[MrX]Selling Stick G40 / Stick G37 pimp / Bow G29 pimp.
[Reese]selling g46 knight chest , g45 stick attacker, g40 stick veteran , g42 mage gloves - shoes.
[WonderIG]Selling Skilfull g40 npc stick and clean npc daggers.
[Papcio]Sell SoC 400k / Buy g42 archer chest short shoes pme.
[Mili]any1 splash pt d1 need picker or lurer?..>> mage 32 lvl.
[Bandit]buy g42 gloves chest archer.
[J3ackOnTrack]buying pimped or clean rtb.
[NoeL]Selling G46 Mage Shorts // Selling G45 White Stick // Selling G48 Savage Tribe Sword PM ME.
[Cieply]sell devil boss head/tod/top feathery.
[najman]sell g46 mage boots / g37 daggers + 6 hp / TOA / TOW 4/1 AGI.
[REX]Admin make one BF (*_^).
[BODA]guild Goblins rec active , loyal peeps , english talker pm me to join :).
[Xae]Unity recruits old Unity-Secret players, active and pvp skilled players " discord required " pmme or Dunger to join.
[Sajt]is there any npc for starter stuff? ty.
[KimSingJi]nah you get only box in your inv.
[AOC]buyting 1st and 2nd boss head.
[DanieLBR]buy dagger g40.
[Scorched]trading g49 savage tribe sword for a g48 bow.
[Vinny]any adm on ?.
[NoeL]Trade G46 Mages Gloves and Shorts For Archer Or Thief Parts // Trade G48 Sword for Bow Or Daggers.
[JuggerNauT]Anyone need teacher please feel free to add me :).
[KulioDantes]Buying g32+6 wis no chest ot deco.
[Royalbeef]why are you blobbing r11?.
[Scorched]trading g48 savage tribe sword for any g49 bow.
[FURY]g46 kn8 short trade archer g46 pm me.
[Royalbeef]sell red sword and 9 str white sword.
[LiliaN]Selling Tod.
[ItzPower]Selling G45 Pimped Atk Stick Veteran Scholar's Joong Bang Stick Geons/DC Pm Ty! .
[DanieLBR]buy dagger g40 .
[Bultek]trading g46 archer chest for side part or g46 knight chest.
[Nolan]selling stick g40 pm me.
[MrX]Selling stick G40 or trade for sword/ sell bow G33.
[Nolan]selling stick g40 for 50k.
[xSch4Tz]Selling DC / Buying 4/1 Str / G42 Archer .
[LucLK]trade g46 kn8 helm for archer sides g46.
[Smoothie]buying g32+6 mage stuff pm me .
[REX]buying Sword 40 pay well.
[Kalisi]Trade g44 Shield for g46 Archer Part.
[PACTA]sell or trade g45 sword veteran maegak for arch g45 bow / sell or trade g46 thief gloves for arch.
[J3ackOnTrack]buying rtb bow clean or pimped .
[Kalisi]BUyinf 1st Boss Head 10k Send .
[J3ackOnTrack]buying rtb for 50 dc.
[Smoker]buying chest / helmet / boots thief g42 .
[LaDonna]buying g40 sae dan attacker stick pm me .
[Shiro]buying g40 red daggers .
[ASD1]Trading G46 mage short for archer part / selling veteran bow G40 / G44 sheild or trad for archer .
[ASD1]Pm GoDLike.
[xSch4Tz]Buying 3 DC .
[OPSeks]Selling DC 10k each.
[xSch4Tz]Selling G40 Bow NPC +2 str 1 hp 1 agi / Buying tow 4/1 str 20k.
[ModaOp]selling bow g37 + 2 str.
[Royalbeef]selling g40 white sword pimp and red sword clean// trade g46 archer chest for knight or other archer part PM.
[xSch4Tz]selling g40 Bow npc +2 str 1 Hp 2 Agi 80k ..
[Xforce]buy g42 archer boots and helmet pay well .
[Ionix]Sell g40+1 scholars stick - also sell g40 npc stick clean - buy g40 daggers.
[Smoothie]buying g42 kn , shield 40.
[Xforce]buy g42 archer boots . g32 +6 wis mage parts pay in dc .
[LucLK]trading g46 kn8 helm for g46 archer sides.
[OPSeks]Sell clean g40 dagger pm me.
[LaDonna]buying g40 sae san attacker stick - selling g32 mage chest 10k .
[OPSeks]Selling g40 veteren daggers .
[Smoker]selling daggers g40 6/3 +7 str + 1 .
[6ix8in]lv 35 hermit looking for mage due forest.
[Skerys]Buying G40 White Sword, G42 Knight Armor/Helm/Gloves.
[critz0R]selling daggers g40 red +9 str + 1 otp 6/3 .
[Crit]buying g42 - g32 mage short - golves.
[6ix8in]sell g42 mage chest trade for mage golves - short.
[Crit]lv 37 mage attacker lfp - need mage 34+ to due forest pm me.
[SlasherPL]need attacker d1 ad healer pm me or come sell g37 expert bow and g32 chest kn8 +5hp.
[Icyy]This fking Afk check dont work and always porting me...
[Ionix]Sell g46 mage chest or trade for thief part/daggers -- sell g37 +2str dagger.
[nEKE]selling g42 knight shorts or trade for archer.
[Kummieren]Buying g42 Mage, G40 Stick Pm me ..
[MalaKhi]buying g32 mage +6 wis pme.
[critz0R]39 archer lfp d1.
[Monkey]selling ToA.
[HGN]Looking For Attacker D1 R9 - Selling g48 Stick Attacker - G45 Bow.
[Monkey]selling g40 red sword and toa.
[sz4lek]selling ToD and ToP Feathery.
[Alexander]Selling G45 Chest kn8 - Stick Attacker g48 - Bow g 45.
[codename]buying g40 bow.
[xSch4Tz]selling g40 bow +2 str +2 agi +1 hp .
[xSch4Tz]Sell G40 Bow +2 Str +2 Agi +1 Hp 70K / Buying Tow 4/1 Str 20k.
[HIm]looking for splash mages 35+ D1R1.
[Cray]any mages 40+ for splash ?.
[Reese]selling g45 stick , g40 shorts kn , g40 sword npc, buying g46 mage chest-shorts,deco.
[xSch4Tz]buying g42 archer for dc / selling g40 bow pimped 70k.
[Reese]Selling top feathery,man's , toi breakthrough-decisional , tow 4/1 hp,agi,str- Sell revision stones.
[RedLabeL]buying g32 archer no chest .
[Royalbeef]does someone sell g40 stick for a decent price? :D.
[J]sell 46 short mage pm.
[L1L4]wtb thief g42.
[L1L4]buy shoes or hood th g42.
[RedLabeL]buying g32 archer gloves short boots and short.
[facio]sell 6x revision stone 12k ea / top wisdom 25k pm me .
[xSch4Tz]Buying G40 Archer Chest Short Gloves / Mans Top 20K ea / TOW 4/1 Str 10k ---- Selling 20x DC 170K .
[GoDLike]Trading g46 mage shorts for Arch!.
[NervNicht]Unrivaled rec active and team- players pm me.
[J]selling g48 grand stick..
[J]c/o on g48 grand stick 400k and 1 g45 stick..
[serik1]HIm Looking for splash mages D1 R1 pm HIm or just come.
[Teka]sell g40 dagger ("good one") pm me :).
[No]need more mages d1r1 40+ just come.
[xB]Buying g40 Stick prefer sae dan.
[Cray]Looking for mages 40+ d1 r3 pm me.
[Erynia]care we need to respawn r11 - run for ur life.
[GoDLike]Trading mage shorts g46 for arch!.
[NervNicht]lf leech service 25 to 34.
[Vinny]adm on ?.
[BODA]sell g40 npc sword with talisman // g40 yellow bow // g42 kn chest // buy g46 boot kn pm me.
[Alexander]buying chest - boots - helmet g48 archer - g48 bow blue - D1 R9 Pt Running Looking For Archers - Thiefs - Kn8 .
[Vinny]buy dagger g40.
[Terminator]sell g40 npc stick pm me with you price attacker one <<.
[codename]selling veterans g40 npc stick, beginning npc g40 stick, g42 mage boots or trade for archer part..
[FOCH]buy g42 th hood or shoes.
[Terminator]sell g40 npc stick with cheap price.
[Ami]sell ring , protect talosman g32 mage short toi 9/3 str and 9/3agi all 5k ea.
[PLEBAN]Co za kurewska pizda zablokowala wejscie do d1.
[Aesthetic]selling g42 mage deco for 35k buying g40 bow for 80k .
[NoeL]Selling G46 Mage Shorts // Selling G48 Tribe Sword // Or Trade For Archer/Thief Stuff.
[Aesthetic]buying g40 red tiger pattern gak bow for 80k pm me.
[codename]selling g40 veterans tali g40 stick..
[Reese]sell g45 stick skillful 5+ eb - g45 stick clean - g40 sword npc - g40 bow rtb - g40 bow veteran npc - g40 short kn.
[Royalbeef]Unrivaled looking for active ppls / team players, PM.
[PaLaMo]sell top mans/feathery/wisdoms or trade for archer stuff g42.
[MachT]any party need healer d1?.
[Qoo]Selling Chest Kn8 G46 for high price.
[MGG]trade g45 MaeGak sword for dagger pm me.
[MachT]trading g40 veteran bow for g40 stick.
[Qoo]send 70 dc 5k ea.
[critz0R]Selling G42 thief chest hood boots Pm MysteryClown.
[xKaliMira]buying rb - dc pm me.
[xKaliMira]buying dc 6k ea need 70.
[Ami]sell TOD.
[Ami]sell tod pm Mili.
[BOW]buying g40 archer parts.
[Fajno]Buying G40 White sword clean or pimped pm me.
[NocturNa]where is teleporter?.
[SpiderGirl2]buy g46 mage gloves 50k g42 mage chest 60k trade top feathery for wisdom.
[FOCH]buy hood th g42.
[Tensen]looking for active guild.
[Soko]hi fk all.
[Doubles]Buying G37 Stick.
[Bultek]selling g40 yellow bow +5 health 1/1 and g 42 gloves +2 agi.
[Reese]selling g45 stick attacker one skillful 5+ eb and atk - selling revision stone .
[Bultek]selling yellow g40 bow +5 health 1/1 and g 42 gloves+2 agi.
[Reese]selling feathery,mans top 25k ea , tow 4/1 str,hp,agi 20k ea.
[Reese]trading or selling breakthrough toi for magical powers.
[Reese]owner of Error char pme.
[Returner]trade g40 1h for stick pm me ty (my 1h).
[Reese]selling revision stone 10k ea, feathery,man'.
[Reese]top 20k ea.
[Reese]Selling rebirth 50k ea.
[Icyy]Selling boots mage g46 - Veteran's bow g40 - stick g40 Sae Dan atker 6/6 - g42 Mage [short and boots[.
[Doggebi]need 2x att d1 r3 .
[Caramba]Looking for splash party .
[MachT]need attackers d1r8 come or pm Alexander.
[Dunger]Unity Rec Active ppl 30+ pme to join us .
[KaliMira]Buying DC .
[DanieLBR]buy g40 dagger.
[Noob1e]Selling g40 npc stick . g37 sword also buying g45 sword / stone of chance pm me.
[uSuck]need reviver d1r8 plz.
[Critty]selling g 48 grand stick pls pm offers.
[Critty]co 500k on G 48 Grand Stick any more?.
[Creeate]selling g48 mid stick / top despo / TOA .
[Galedriel]Any pt d1 lvl 39 mage atack/heal.
[GuitaresT]Buying g40 bow .
[Fajno]Selling g37 6str Sword for 25k and G40 npc veteran sword for 70k pm me.
[Bayan]send me g40 dagger for 40k .
[Afars]buying g40 daggs 80k.
[Tensen]lvl 20 thief lfp pm Albulena.
[EzZ]is there any onther way to get mana meds or just by vote ?.
[EzZ]thank you all for pms <3 got it .
[Eevee]Sell g45 bow , g40 bow // g40 npc sword // buying g46 kn boot pm me.
[Prowo]wtb g32+6 mage parts pm me.
[SpiderGirl2]buy g46 mage gloves 50k g42 mage chest 60k.
[ArThur]trade 2 Eel for stuff thief g42 .
[Eevee]buying g46 kn8 boot pm me !!!.
[Venom]selling g32 boots archer /// g33 sword pimped pm me.
[ItzPower]Buying Donation Coin's/Move/Save Scroll's // Selling G46 Mage hair.. Pm Ty!.
[MrX]Buying 50x DC pm me.
[AnAngel]kratos u lil son of a BITCH!!!! dl in d1 ahaha just wait and see if u play .
[LucLK]trading g46 kn8 helm for archer side parts.
[Bultek]selling g45 skillfull baekdae bow.
[Fajno]Trade 2x ToP Wisdoms for 4x ToW 4/1 str.
[GuitaresT]Buying full g42 AR ea 40k sand me .
[Mili]sell TOD.
[uSuck]need revive d1r8 please thanks..
[Bultek]selling g45 skillfull baek dae bow .
[SuicidalPanda]Selling Fresh G62 Mage Shorts +6 Wisdom.
[RuneyMage]mage lvl 39 lf.
[AOC]Goblin guild maybe u say ur Dog Rex stop ksing ?.
[Noob1e]selling white sword g40 pimped for KC // g37 sword pm me buying KC .
[Prowo]wtb DC.
[MysteryClown]buying shorts / helmet thief g46 .
[Allow]buying stick g40 atk pm me.
[T1ND3R]buying thief g40 set( no shorts).
[Caramba]Any splash party d1?.
[Takbir]wtb full g42 knight set + sword for dc pm me offers pls .
[Takbir]wtb full g42 knight set (no gloves) + sword for dc pm me offers.
[Skerys]Buying G45 Sword.
[Dunger]buying dagger g40 .
[Galedriel]lvl 39 mage Looking pt d1 heal or atack.
[Ami]sell top men's.
[Smoothie]buying g32+6 mage stuff paying 150kc each part (no shorts) pm me.
[uSuck]selling tod.
[AOC]creating d1 r1 splash pt need mages 38+ and healer.
[AOC]need mages for d1 splashy pt .
[Klawisz]buy g32 thief.
[MysteryClown]selling daggers +9 str g45 6/4 .
[JuggerNauT]WTB g46 kn8 gloves.
[najman]selling g48 mid stick / g40 clean npc stick / g40 skillfull 1/1 stick / top despo / toa shop in fort.
[Klawisz]trade ToD for dagger g40 buy g32 thief.
[Smoothie]buying g32+6 mage stuff 150 KC each pm me.
[SharBoda]sell g32+6 mage chest and gloves 350 kc ea pm me.
[Prowo]1 slot for splasher 44+ r3.
[Ludak]Selling daggers g40 , g40 stick , g42 mages boots !.
[MachT]selling breakthrought pm me offer.
[Afars]buying g40 npc daggs 100k.
[PACTA]sell or trade g46 thief boots for arch part no chest.
[Herejeh]I NEED REV IN R2 PLS...
[RuneyMage]buying g45 atker stick 150k.
[Smoothie]buying g32+6 wis mage stuff 150 kc each (no shorts) pm me.
[Dyrroth]what's the kn8 skill whice have been buffed?!!!!!!.
[domek]buy g45 sword .
[Dunger]3x slot free at d1 r2 3.
[BODA]+1 cuz i don't see any skill buffed specifically lightslash xD.
[Smoker]selling g48 sword / buying helmet thief g46 .
[JuggerNauT]anyone selling g45 pol sword?.
[xSch4Tz]Buying G42 Archer / TOW 4/1 Str 10K / Mans 20K .
[L]buying g42 chest mage .
[asd22]sel stick g48.
[asd1]c/o 170dc stick g48.
[Smoothie]buying g32+6 wis mage stuff (no shorts) 150 dcs each pm me.
[Dunger]Unity Rec Active ppl 30+ pme to join us .
[Erynia]WTB any g46 part 100 k .
[J]shop open with stick g48/45/40 stick g46 mage - dagger 37 40 stuff lot of talis .
[BuffBitch]selling daggers g40.
[GuitaresT]Selling Stick G48 // or trad for 3x G46 Ar or Bow G48.
[kratos]Selling Legendary Toi pm me offer.
[ModaOp]Selling bow g48 Red for dc only.
[Smoker]selling sword g48 also can trade for daggers / buying helmet thief g46 .
[Dyrroth]buying g45 pattern of leaf one , pme with ur price.
[Smoothie]buying g32+6 wis mage stuff 150 kc each pm me.
[BuffBitch]selling g40 stick and g40 dagger clean and veteran.
[LucLK]trading g46 kn8 helm for g46 archer sides.
[NoeL]Buying G46 Thief Parts // Trading G48 sword for Daggers/Bow.
[LiliaN]Buying Devil Boss +Sub Boss Head Pm Me Thx.
[asd1]sel bow g37 pimp and clen.
[Xi]buy sword g37 expert or g40 .
[DanieLBR]sell dagger g40 - Talis Mans - distinct - Mans - 4/1 agility - 3/1 hp .
[Senitzu]sell g42 mage shorts 70k gong spiryt 10k just send fl to get it Thanks.
[Smoothie]buying g32+6 mage stuff (no shorts) pm me paying 150 kc each part .
[Bobsley]Selling g42 archer shorts (x2) / mage shorts +2 int/ g45 veteran single stick / g40 veteran npc stick / pain and jealous mask.
[REX]any mage come rev me at D1 f9 for 30k or as he need.
[Bobsley]beside selling junk above, im selling g46 archer gloves aswell .
[Erynia] WTB any g46 part 100 k ( for mixing ).
[Smoothie]buying g32+6 wis mage stuff also buying g48 dagger / g46 thief shorts pm me.
[Ionix]Buying g45 daggers/g46 thief parts - sell DC - Sell g37 dagger+2str.
[Xforce]buy g46 or g42 mage boots pay wll.
[REX]any mage can rev me on D1 ?.
[BuffBitch]npc gives mpre mate.
[BlowMe]buy dagger g50 pay 100k ^^ .
[XULLE]any guild add me.
[Ionix]Buy G45 Daggers/g46 thief parts - sell DC.
[6ix8in]buying g46 mage boots -deco - golves.
[PLEBAN]selling g40 white sword pimped for KC // g40 npc sword pm me.
[Xi]Buying g37 expert sword .
[Xforce]buy supboss head.
[Gesh]any mage can rev me at D1 for money ??.
[Shiro]selling g40 red daggers 6/3 +9 str.
[Gesh]Ionix Sammer Drop at the parts guys no one invite him.
[REX]Ionix Scammer Drops / Unity ????.
[PLEBAN]any mage rev me plz d1 r4? :).
[ModaOp]Selling bow red G48 .
[Qimax]buy pimped stick g40 att one wts g32 kn8 chest +5hp.
[LucLK]trade g40 npc pimped with stats g40 bow and stick, clean g40 dagger, for g46 archer helm, boots.
[J3ackOnTrack]buying g42 arch chest and boots.
[Qoooo]remmber guys Inoix Big Scammer no one inv him .
[Qoooo]Selling Bow / Stick G40.
[uSuck]party d1r8.
[uSuck]need pa 35+ d1r8 perferarcher class..
[critz0R]buying 100 each of hatred greed and madness masks 500 each.
[BABIKING]3 atk starting pt d1.
[PLEBAN]can any mage rev me plz at d1 r5 // selling g40 white sword pimped - g40 dagger - g40 chest-short thief pm me.
[Icyy]need 1 healer 40+ for D1 splash party -- buying g46 mage chest/deco/gloves .
[Smoothie]buying g32+6 mage wis stuff pm me .
[HIm]how much 40+ mages online for splash party d1?.
[domek]buy g45 sword.
[Alexander]any mage 45+ .
[NoeL]Buying G46 Thief/Archer Parts // Selling G48 Sword .
[Killerkiwi]i buy g42 archer stuff pm me .
[Rakia]buyinng g40 daggs.
[Reese]sell g45 stick skillful 5+ and stick g45 clean - selling revision stone 8k ea.
[SharBoda]sell g40 mid stick 1/1 veterans 75k g40 mid stick clean 40k mage shorts g42 40k.
[MoDa]Sell BOBH's 50k ea .
[L1L4]buy dagger g45-200k.
[Caramba]Trade lvl 45 mage for archer ! pm me offers .
[critz0R]Str1keR around ??.
[serik1]loking for mages 40+ d1 pm HIm.
[GoDLike]Trading mage shorts for arch one or selling it!.
[critz0R]Buying madness hatred and greed heads 500 each..
[Prowo]WTB DC pm me.
[MoDa]sell g48 bow (mid).
[x]buying g46 mage.
[Soko]lfg a3da2 3lshan 22tel boda.
[Terminator]buying G42 chest mage Deco pm me .. also sell 4/1 Tali all Kind exc Hp/ mans /feathery.
[Kosa]buy g37 dagger.
[Terminator]sell g42 boot's mage // buying g42 chest / Deco/ gloves mage pm me with you price.
[SpiderGirl2]trade tow 4/1 str for top wisdom / buy top wisdom 20k ea.
[Xi]Buying g32 kn gloves boots shorts cheap.
[Royalbeef]Unrivaled rec aktive and friendly people, pm me .
[Mada]send me g42 archer and g40 bow pls .
[Lee]u are Very focused with me but if u asked my i will answer u.
[asd]selling G40 stick /bow / sword.
[asd]Selling G45 sword pimp for DC .
[ModaOp]selling red g48 bow .
[asd]Selling short thief G46 / G40 sword/stick .
[Monkey]buying g46 mage chest, gloves, shorts.
[Eevee]Sell g46 kn chest // g44 shield // g45 clean bow // g40 npc sword pimp // buying g48 truth sword pm me.
[najman]selling g48 mid stick / g40 stick / toa / despo .
[Cray]Looking for mages 40+ for splash d1.
[MachT]any d1 party need healer? selling breakthrought pm me offer.
[NoeL]Buying G46 Archer and Thief Parts PM ME // Selling G40 Sword and Daggers.
[Killerkiwi]buying 1 moving 60k.
[J]looking for healer d1r7 pm .
[Ami]sell g46 mage chest.
[asd]Selling G40 Bow / stick / sword / Buy DC.
[Teka]selling eels 8k ea pm me :).
[Icyy]Buying g46 mage chest/deco/gloves -- selling bow/stick g42 50k.
[Teka]buy g46 thief shorts / chest / boots .
[Reese]buying g46 mage helm-shorts-chest.
[ASD]Selling sword G45 pimp for DC.
[PoXy]Trad 100 mana for 500 medic.
[Reese]selling g45 stick skillful 5+ , g45 stick clean , revision stone 9k ea.
[PoXy]trad Mana for medic.
[BBD]trade mans/feath to wisdoms tops,, selling rtb clean bow, skillful npc bow, npc sticks clean and pimp.
[Fafles]buying g48 blue bow / g46 archer shorts.
[SpiderGirl2]buy g46 mage parts 50k ea / buy top wisdom 20k ea.
[ZeTo]Trad 100 mana for 300 medic.
[ASD]Buying 100 DC for 650k.
[Mada]looking guild invite lvl 29 archer<.
[SpiderGirl2]buy g45 att stick.
[ZeTo]Selling 400 Mana for DC.
[Reese]selling g45 stick skillful attack on 5+ for 200k , clean stick g45 for 100k , g45 sword strong red one for 150k.
[Crap]Selling g45 PPL pimped for KC // g40 sword white pimped for kc - g40 archer boots - g40 npc bow with talisman pm me.
[ZeTo]Selling 400 mana for 75 dc.
[JigglyPuff]buy g46 mage boots and gloves.
[Vinny]buy full g42 thief.
[ZeTo]Remmber guys Ionix Big Scammer drops no inv him at ur pt.
[Crap]Selling g45 sword PPL 207 attack pimped for KC - g40 white sword pimped - g40 bow - g42 archer boots pm me.
[GankingFaqlord]trade g46 knight boots for other part.
[GankingFaqlord]trade g46 knight boots for other part or archer/thief.
[NoeL]Buying G46 Archer and Thief Stuff // Buying G45 Daggers.
[MagNoLiA]buying G42 Archer .
[ASD]Buying 100 dc for 700k.
[Caramba]Buying g46 mage parts.
[Reese]selling g45 sword strong one, g45 stick clean , g40 stick npc , g46 knight chest.
[MagNoLiA]buying Shorts/gloves/Hood archer g40.
[Fafles]buying break/steely toi 75k each.
[NoeL]Selling G40 Daggers // Selling G40 RT BOW.
[DonJuaN]Buying Sword g40 pm me .
[Shiro]selling g40 red daggers 6/3 +9 str.
[PrettyDoll]selling TOA - Ring - Belt pme with ur offer .
[Arschkeks]trade g46 knight boots and g46 archer chest for any other g46 archer/thief/knight.
[Boyka]any mage can rev me at R9 ?.
[Noob1e]selling g45 PPL sword 207 attack pimped - g40 white sword pimped - g46 mage deco or trade for kn8 parts pm me.
[Killerkiwi]selling magical powers/distinct 60k ea.
[GankingFaqlord]trade g46 knight boots for any part archer/knight/thief.
[Boyka]Selling Magic power / Distinct / Accuracy / armor wisdom 50k ea.
[critz0R]trading g46 kn8 chest to mage chest ~ shorts / Buying g46 archer boots..
[Killerkiwi]selling magical powers and distinct 40k ea.
[Boyka]sell for 30k.
[Boyka]selling accurcy / Distincr 35k ea.
[MachT]selling 2x 10/3 wisdom pm me offer.
[Eevee]Sell g46 kn chest // g40 npc sword pimp // g45 bow clean // g44 shield // also buying g48 tribe truth sword pm me.
[Caramba] Selling Madness mask quest, buying g46 mage parts.
[SpiderGirl2]trade top mans for 2x top wisdom.
[SpiderGirl2]send 3rbs compensation please....
[Ami]buy g42 k8 armor.
[Cray]sell kn8 g46 gloves chest and helmet // wtb kc 7k ea.
[Returner]WTB KC 7.5k EA send me direct .
[Noob1e]Selling g45 Sword PPL 207 attack pimped for KC // g40 white sword pimped - g40 bow // g46 thief boot or trade for kn8 parts .
[Eevee]sell kn8 chest g46 , g40 npc sword pimp , g45 bow , g44 shield // buying g48 sword.
[KimSingJi]buying Doggebi orbs pm me .
[Dunger]Unity Rec Active ppl 30+ .
[Kek]buying devil 1st boss head.
[GuitaresT]Selling Stick g48 or trad for 4x g46 Ar .
[BODA]buying rope // buying g48 1h tribe truth sword pm me.
[Dunger]left healer d1r5 longterm party.
[Papcio]Sell Stone Of Cahnce pm me.
[EzZ]buying g40 1h .
[BonesBraker]Looking for guild and teacher i dont need anything else.
[Bandit]Buy Hood Boots g46 and bow g48 .
[uSuck]need revive r5 please.
[Samagon]trade Money at server KalonlineX for here.
[RuneyMage]mage lvl 39 lfp.
[Cray]sell g50 stick(mid one) and g46 kn8 chest gloves helmet.
[DanieLBR]Need Healer D1R5 .... PT RDY :).
[DanieLBR]buy g42 thief chest.
[Samagon]selling Tod pm me with price.
[Dunger]left healer d1 r5 party is ready .
[Dunger]left healer d1r5 longterm party .
[uSuck]selling g32+6 archer helmet 80k.
[Dunger]anyhealer can come rev in d1r5 .
[Dunger]left healer d1r5 longterm party .
[asd12]Sell g45 kn8 chest 120k // g40 sword npc pimp 70k // g44 shield 40k // buying g48 sword tribe truth pm me.
[MysteryClown]selling sword PPl 207 g45 Pimped . g42 kn8 short - boots / buying KC - Daggers g48 .
[JigglyPuff]buy g46 mage boots hood gloves.
[NoeL]Buying G46 Archer/Thief Parts // Selling G40 Daggers and RT Bow.
[Alexander]2slot D1 R9 Perf kn8 - thief - archer .
[Samagon]Selling TOD pm me.
[Monkey]selling g45 veteran's single stick.
[Papcio]Buy g46 archer items.
[sz4lek]selling g40 sword clean and g40 sword veteran pm me i need money >.<.
[ItzPower]Buying Donation Coin's/DC // Selling Desp/Pride/Break/2/1Agi/str/4/1Str/wis TOP/TOI's accepts DC's.
[Monkey]selling g45 veterans single stick // buying g46 mage gloves and shorts.
[LiliaN]kn8 lvl 33 lfp d1.
[ASD10]Selling Bow G37 / bow G29 / Accuracy /Distinct / Beackthrough`s Strenth.
[ASD10]send 100 dc for 800k.
[ASD10]Send 100 DC for 800k pm just send to Gesh.
[mix17]Sell g48 stick Reliegious // g46 kn chest.
[Papcio]Sell g40 bow 4/2/1 Skillfull pm me.
[Mili]buy g42 mage.
[Melle]Buy full set g46 Thief for DC.
[Smoothie]buying g32+6 wis mage chest gloves and deco pm me .
[NervNicht]buy DC.
[MachT]selling g40 chultae bow 40k first one gets.
[Mili]what mobs droped g32+6?.
[Prowo]wtb 20eel soups just send with price 7k ea thx.
[SpiderGirl2]sell g40 sea dan 8/4 +14 max attack or trade for g40 pimped sword/dagger pm me.
[Ch1vas]buying g46 archer boots.
[Bultek]buy g46 archer boots and shorts.
[WonderIG]Selling 8x rev stone 15k ea.
[Smoothie]buying g32+6 wis mage chest gloves and deco 150 kc each pm me.
[WonderIG]Selling 8x rev for 12k ea first pm got it.
[Klawisz]buy g32 thief parts pm me.
[Vinny]SELL GLOVES G46 KN8 .
[MOZA1]Trad 100 mana for 350 medic.
[MachT]looking for attackers d1r5 pt pm me or come.
[Mili]any1 need healer d1 pt?.
[MOZA1]Selling 200 mana.
[Bayan]send me g40 thief gloves for 20k ..............................................
[Vinny]buyy full g42 thief .
[asd12]Sell g48 stick // g46 kn chest // g40 npc sword pimp // g40 shield pm me.
[WonderIG]selling 8x rev stone 10k ea.
[Smoothie]buying g32+6 mage chest gloves and deco pm me paying 150 kc each part.
[BODA]buying g48 tribe's truth sword pm me pay good.
[xKaliMira]buying dc 7k ea - selling legendary toi - selling eels 10k ea.
[NervNicht]BUY DC.
[MoDa]buy 50dc 400k .
[Afars]buying g42 thief armors (no gloves).
[Crypsis]selling g45 bow or trade for pol sword.
[fulldose]Buying pimped g40 or g45 stick attacker.
[BuffBitch]lvl 41 and 42 mage looking for d1 party.
[BuffBitch]some mages here for d1 splash pt?.
[Bobsley]wtb steely, pm me.
[Prowo]wtb DC pm.
[BuffBitch]looking for mages 40+ for d1 splashy party.
[BuffBitch]mages 40+ come d1r1.
[BuffBitch]any mage 40+ for d1 splash ? (40+ not 29 healer not picker not luerer ).
[DominaXXX]looking for mages d1r1 splash party.
[Ionix]Buy g46 thief shorts/chest can pay with dc or geons - Sell g40 red 1h clean - sell g40 dagger low pimp.
[xKaliMira]selling g45 bow yeon Lin (best g45 bow) - legenday toi - BUYING DC PM ME.
[BuffBitch]mages 40+ come d1 .
[Gesh]Selling 250 DC for high price.
[Smoothie]buying g32+6 wisdom mage chest gloves deco 150 kc each pm me.
[Gesh]have same price from MoDa and xKalimira write ur price in shout ty.
[Maksiky]gzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 2lby el b3do gg.
[BuffBitch]any healer hier 40+ for d1 splash almost ready.
[Senitzu]Sell g46 mage chest g45 .
[idio]buying g42 kn8 part's.
[Magician]buy g42+2 mage stuff.
[ZYZZ]trade arch gloves 46g for kn8 parts pm me.
[ASD1]Selling Legendary Weapon for high price.
[ASD1]Selling Doggbi Fixed tools / Don`t forget Ionix Big Scammer drops.
[asd1]sel shourt thife for dc or for chest shourt archer g46 or bow g48.
[Smoothie]buying g32+6 wisdom mage chest gloves and deco 150 kc ea pm me.
[asd1]chest shourt thife g46 for g46 archer.
[Killerkiwi]trade g46 knight chest for 2x archer sides g46 or sell it pm me.
[MOZA1]Remmber Guys Ionix Big scammer drops at the pt no inv him.
[J3ackOnTrack]can the one that keeps blobbing r8 mobs stop it maybe?.
[asd19]Do not invite this dumb BABIKING pt in d1 he keep destroying mages pt this mofos deserver ban.
[BuffBitch]so how do i have screenshot from you in d1.
[BABIKING]show me dumb, lier.
[BuffBitch]you know it as good as me maet dont even need to show you something you are not even worth talking :).
[BABIKING]stop cry paler pussiie.
[asd19]BABIKING go fck urself motherfucker no one going to inv u into pt go play in ur a$$.
[BABIKING]u mom and sister is same person. half body.
[J3ackOnTrack]hahahah tf does this even mean xDD.
[Galedriel]buy g46 mage set "no chest" 100k ea just send.
[ASD7]Selling Legendary Weapon 5/5/5/5.
[ASD7]Remmber guys Ionix is big Scammer drops at parts no inv him.
[AnAngel]Vinny DL in d1 dont worry son of a wh�re we ill fk u hard.
[ArThur]wts stone of revision ea 10k // wtb stuff g42 thief pm me offer.
[critz0R]we play games alot to avoid the depression..
[Allow]This bastard called blowme, have mental problems and need a rope to hang themselves .
[fulldose]buy g45 att stick.
[ZeTo]Remmber guys Ionix Big Scammer drops at parts ...
[HardWithStyle]Allow stfu retard u heal a DeathLurer so he dled you and he will always when he see you in party .
[HardWithStyle]Have fun .
[PACTA]trade g46 arch gloves for another arch part or kn.
[critz0R]Buying chief angry troop dead body / G46 archer boots..
[critz0R]any chill splashy d1 party need level 47 mage ?.
[uSuck]need attackers d1r5 35+.
[SamyOp]any attacker need healer ?.
[ASD]Selling G45 sword pimp / G40 Bow .
[ProSedu]selling g32 mage short +6 wis pm me offer.
[Icyy]buying g46 deco mage - selling stick mid g48 7/7 +5 hp - chest mage g42.
[6ix8in]BUYING G46 MAGE NO CHEST - TRADE TOP Feathry -Mans for wisdoms.
[REX]any mage can rev me at D1 R9.
[REX]for 40k .
[ASD5]Sellin G45 sword pimp / G40 Bow.
[SpiderGirl2]can some1 send me rb with price?.
[ASD5]Selling op kn8 lvl 45+ .
[6ix8in]buying g46 mage parts -trade Mans-Feathry for wisdoms need mage 40+ duo doggibe beach .
[DominaXXX]buying G45 bow whit 192 max attack and 65 otp , pm me Killerkiwi.
[Bandit]Buy G48 Bow Boots G46 Archer.
[DominaXXX]selling g40 RTB BOW 8/1 pimped +3 str... offer.... and Despotic TOP offer.. .
[DominaXXX]selling 8/1 RTB BOW 150k... and Despotic TOP 175k pm me.
[Cray]sell g50 stick, g46 kn8 chest and g48 sword and g46 mage chest pm me.
[MoDa]buying kc 8k each pm me.
[Fist]Buying G46 Mage parts pm me.
[Icyy]selling chest mage g46 or trade for deco - BUYING DECO MAGE G46 .
[Teka]sell ToI distinct - g40 npc veteran sword - eels 7k ea pm me .
[Magician]buy g42 (+2) mage stuff.
[Senitzu]sell g46 mage chest g45 skilfull daggers g46 thief gloves.
[SP]wtb stuff g42 mage stick g40 attacker.
[v3x]buying g46 mage sides pls pm me.
[JigglyPuff]buy g45 mage boots and gloves.
[Rakia]selling g45 attacker stick or trade for daggers.
[v3x]buying g46 mage gloves, boots and deco pls pm me =)).
[Critz]sell g40 bow - g42 mage chest +3int - g42 kn8 golves.
[Kosa]buy g37 dag.
[v3x]buying g46 mage sides each 175k pls send ;).
[Soko]Buy stick g40 .
[Cray]Looking for mages 45+ for d1 splash pt.
[Reese]buying g46 mage deco,shorts,chest.
[Rakia]selling g45 attacker stick or trade for daggs.
[Senitzu]sell g46 theif chest g46 kn shorts g46 thief gloves g45 clean swoerd g45 skilful dagers pm.
[v3x]buying g46 mage gloves, boots and devo each 180k pls send ;).
[asd2]buy quest Greed mask and dc.
[Reese]sell chest knight g46 , buy g46 mage deco-chest-shorts pme.
[LifeElixir]Unity recruits " active, oldschool and teamwork skilled players " pm Xae to join our community <3.
[Reese]Need mages at d1 40+.
[Klikacz]buying g40 bow for 50k.
[MachT]buying g46 mage boots for 25 dc.
[Royalbeef]Buy DCs .
[MachT]selling dcs 10k ea.
[JigglyPuff]buy g45 single stick.
[MachT]buying g48 attacker stick 240 max dmg.. pm me.
[MachT]buying feathery 25k ea.
[Reese]sell kn chest g46 , buying deco,chest,shorts mage g46.
[Eevee]sell g48 stick 225 max dmg // g46 kn chest // g45 Leaf dagger pimp // buying g48 Tribe's truth sword pm me.
[Terminator]buying G45 Stick G46 gloves / chest Mage pm me with you price .
[MOZA1]Selling Doggbie fixing tools / Legendary Weapon.
[Reese]buying g46 mage chest-deco.
[Royalbeef]BUY DCs.
[Magician]buy g42 mage and boss+sub boss head.
[Ionix]Buy g46 thief chest/g48 daggers - sell g40 1h/dagger - buy head of Yoo/Goonsangi/ma-gwang.
[MOZA1]ohh Ionix Big Scammer .
[ItzPower]Selling Mask Quest's 100x Pain/Greed/Jealousy // Buying: DC/ToA/ToD/2/1agi,str.. Pm Ty!.
[ASD5]Selling G45 sword pimp / G40 Bow .
[v3x]buying g46 mage sides 200k each just send ;).
[Boski]buy kc / rb.
[MachT]selling 10 polis 35k ea.


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Server Time

Sep 11, 2024 03:18:55 PM

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2024-09-11 18:00:00

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Selection Time Aug 03, 2024



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